CrossFit 6.25.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

2 Rounds:

15 Calorie Row

15 Squat jumps (Full hip extension)

10 Ring Rows

10 Alternating Lunges in place

Down and back- High skips


(No Measure)

12 min- Pistol Progressions

Key Points:

a) Weight distribution (BALANCE)

b) Raised leg does not touch the ground, and stays in front of planted foot

c) Use arms or hold foot for balance

d) Squat below parallel with heel planted

Skill practice:

1) Candlestick roll to pistol

2) Hold climbing rope for balance/support

3) Squat to box edge, tap and stand

Choose one or two drills and spend the 12 min performing these drills


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP

6 Pistol Squats

9 Pull-ups

12 Box jumps (24/20″)

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