CFPC – CrossFit
(No Measure)
Down and Back
1A) High knees
1B) Butt kicks
2A) High kick march
3B) Spiderman Lunge
3 Rounds:
6 Push-ups
6 Tempo Squats (22X1)
12 Heavy Russian Swings
:90 sec per side
Banded Hamstring stretch
Banded Lunge (facing anchor point)
1 set every :30 sec for 6 minutes:
1 Power clean+
1 Push Press
A1: Power Clean
A2: Push Press
(No Measure)
10 min-Practice HSPU Scaling/efficiency.
Key points:
1) Vertical torso
2) Proper hand placement
3) Full R.O.M. (Head to floor, press to lockout)
1) Knees/legs to 90 degrees
2) Bottom of feet facing the sky
3) Drive heels upward, then to the wall
4) Finish with only heels in contact w/ the wall
Diane (Time)
Deadlifts, 225# / 155#
Handstand Push-ups