CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Start on either “a” or “b” and switch:
a) 3 min Row
b) Mobility-
Box edge shoulder stretch – 1 min
Down Dog – :30 sec
Thread the needle – :30 sec/arm
Down dog – :30 sec
10 Leg swings/direction
With a barbell, perform:
5 Hang Clean pulls
5 High hang power Clean
5 Hang power clean
5 Front squat
5 Push press
5 Split jerk
Grab weight and coach begin 15 min clock
Power Clean and Jerk (Spend 12 min to work to a heavy single)
Perform a clean received above parallel and execute a power jerk to overhead.
Lynchpin Test 7 (Time)
4 Rounds:
4 Power Clean (205/145#)
4 Front squat
4 Shoulder to overhead
*Shoulder to overhead may consist of a Press, Push press, or any Jerk variation
Please scale appropriately. This is intended to be heavy- i.e. ~75% of 1RM Clean and Jerk