CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
400m Run
Discuss workout and scaling
2 rounds:
10 Banded Good mornings
15 Heavy Russian swings
10 Ring rows
10 Dumbbell Step ups
10 Leg swings each direction
3 Jefferson Curls
10 Bird dogs, 3 sec hold/pause
Prepare/Discuss RDL
RDL (3-3-3-3-3-3, 1 set every 2 min)
Romanian deadlift
Begin in a rack with bar resting just below lockout. Unrack, step back and begin your set. Maintain contact with the legs as you lower the bar as far as possible while keeping a flat back. -Do not- touch the ground. Slow and controlled down (loading the hamstrings and glutes), return with power to the top by firing these muscles.
Load Deadlift, prepare for Pull-up scaling variation and perform:
5 C2B or pull-up scale
5 Deadlift
3 C2B variation
3 Deadlift
(Scaling options- Pull-ups, Jumping chest to bar, banded chest to bar/pull-ups)
Metcon (Time)
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Deadlift (225/155#)