ROMWOD will now be held in place of Yoga on Saturday mornings prior to Community WOD. Start time is 8:45am sharp. We will be finished by 9:15am to allow for enough time before the workout. This class is free of charge to members, $8 for drop-ins. Join us this week for our first class!
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 min Row
2 Rounds:
8 PVC Pass through+ toe touch
10 Perfect PVC or Barbell overhead squats
10 Barbell curls
10 banded face pulls
10 Scapular activation pull-ups
6 Dumbbell shoulder press/arm
Strict Pull-ups (5 min EMOM 3-7 reps)
Max set pull-ups without a kip.
Choose a rep scheme and remain consistent across the 5 sets/minutes. An appropriate number is likely equal to 33-50% of your largest set performed. If you are not yet able to perform strict pull-ups you can modify by place your toes or heels on a box behind/in front of you and use your legs for assistance throughout the range of motion. Alternatively, perform barbell row/pull-ups with a bar secure to the squat rack closer to the floor.
Any grip can be utilized so long as reps complete full ROM.
Record your largest set.
With a barbell, run through (as a group):
5 Down and Finish
5 Elbows high and outside
5 Muscle snatch
5 High hang power snatch
3 Hang power snatch
3 Power snatch from mid-shin
Discuss TnG Power snatch technique and scaling to hang position.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min AMRAP
15 Pull-ups
15 Box jumps (24/20″)
15 Power snatch (95/65#)