CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
400m Run
2 min Foam roll Thoracic w/ arms crossed over chest
Banded front rack mobility (:60/arm)
Childs pose :45 sec +:30 sec w/ shoulder variation
3 rounds:
10 Ring rows
15 Hollow rocks
10 Squat jumps
With a barbell, perform:
2 Sets- 1st with PVC, the barbell:
5 Barbell Hang power snatch
5 Push press
5 Overhead squats
Coach discuss movements and modifications.
Metcon (Time)
20 Hang power Snatch (115/75#)
3 Rope climbs 15′
20 Box jump overs (30/24″)
30 Toes to bar
20 Push press
30 Burpee over bar
20 Overhead squats
16 min CAP
3 rope climb=15 Challenging ring rows or 6 Pull to stand
T2B can be modified with kipping knee raises or toes to rig