CrossFit 3.9.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Full body warm-up (No Measure)

25 Jumping jacks

5 Inch worms with 3 push-ups

25 High knees

5 Burpees

25 Butt kicks

5 Slow toe touches and holds

25 High kicks

10 PVC Pass through

10 PVC Press and reach back

10 PVC Overhead squat


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)

32 min EMOM

a) 50 Doubles unders or Singles

b) 10 Handstand push-ups

c) 15 Box Jumps

d) 10 Ring Dips

Scale HSPU; Box edge or Pike

Scale Dips; Jump and lower or banded stationary bars, or with feet on floor

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