CrossFit 3.30.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

:90 sec banded Ankle stretch per leg

:90 sec banded pigeon stretch per leg

2 min banded front rack mobility

:90 sec band shoulder bully

10 Wall therapy squats

10 Russian baby makers

5 Barbell shoulder press+

5 Push press+

5 Power jerks


Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes:

3 Shoulder press+

3 Push Press+

3 Power Jerks

Perform as heavy as possible for shoulder press

Press Complex

3 Shoulder Press+

3 Push Press+

3 Power Jerks


Metcon (Time)


Dumbbell Hang clean and jerks

Slam Balls

Burpee box jump overs

Must be -Jerks-, not push press.

Follow the slam ball to the floor every rep.

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