CrossFit 2.24.16


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CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

10 Burpees

50′ Spiderman lunge

5 Inch-worms with 3 push-ups


2 rounds:

10 Single arm KB Russian swing/side

15 Pike Push-ups

20 Sit-ups

30 Double unders, or 15 attempts


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP

12 Alternating DB Snatches

50′ Lunge (10 reps)

100′ Bear crawl (10 reps)


Spend 10-15 min working on Pistol practice. Use assistance if necessary. Option of working for a :60 sec AMRAP of alternating pistols, or, if possible, work to a 2RM weighted pistol (1 per side)

Pistols (:60 sec AMRAP, alternating)

Weighted Pistol (2RM, 1 per side)

One-legged squat with external additional weight

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