CrossFit 2.2.17

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

10 PVC Pass throughs

20 Pipe facing jump overs

10 Banded face pulls

50′ Bear crawl

Discuss METCON

Points of Performance for Push Press and Hang Power Cleans- Practice with PVC then empty barbell. Perform 5 & 5 Push press and HPC with presumed METCON weight prior to the workout.

Discuss Rope climbs and demo scaling- pull from floor to standing and back down x10 total or 30 Ring rows in total, 6 sets of 5 at challenging angle.


Metcon (Time)

50 Push press (115/75#)

50 Hang power cleans

50 Bar facing burpees

5 Rope climbs

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