CFPC – CrossFit
(No Measure)
3 Rounds, or 15 min:
30 Double unders, 60 singles
10 Spiderman lunges
15 Hollow rocks, or :20 sec hold
10 Barbell thrusters
:30-:45 sec HS hold
1 set every 2 min for 16 min:
2 sets of 1+1 @65-75%
3 sets of 1 @75-85%
3 sets of 1 @85-90%+
Perform sets within % range. Technique takes priority over weight. Goal is squat clean but power clean+ front squat is preferred over bad technique.
Jerk can be split or power.
Squat Clean and Jerk
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min AMRAP
12 Hang power clean
9 Shoulder to overhead (50%Push Press)
6 Front rack step ups (20″)