Crossfit 12.28.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

50 double unders or 100 Singles

300m Row

Rest 1 min

2 rounds:

:20 sec Row for max AVG Watts

:40 sec rest

2 Rounds:

10 Perfect squats

10 Barbell good mornings

10 Russian swings


Back Squat

Spend 12 minutes working to a “heavy single” (not necessarily 1RM attempt)

Use plates under heels if depth with a vertical torso is challenging due to tight ankles


CrossFit Games Open 12.4 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12-minute AMRAP of:
150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
90 Double-Unders
30 Muscle-ups
90 DU= 180 Singles

30 Muscle-ups= 30 Transition+dip on low rings, or, Ring Row+dip x30 (can also perform leg-assisted dips)

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