CrossFit 12.23.15

CFPC – CrossFit

It’s Dabney’s Birthday!!!

Tomorrow’s schedule- check Wodify for available classes tomorrow! No afternoon classes. Closed Friday. Back to normal on the 26th. Merry Christmas!


Warm-up (No Measure)

400m Jog

15 Box jump overs

10 Wall therapy Squats

Leg swings (10 each direction)

Accumulate 40 heavy Russian Swings

20 V-ups


4 sets of 8 Back squat, 1 set every 3 minutes.

Perform sets between 70-75% 1RM

Back Squat


Metcon (Weight)

20 min EMOM

5 Burpees over bar

5 Thrusters

Complete as many rounds as possible. If you cannot complete within the minute, work for the remainder of the time as an AMRAP.

Record weight used. Rx= complete all 20 rounds.

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