CrossFit 12.15.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

400m Jog

10 min “AMRAP”, quality

:15 sec Hollow hold

10 Toe touch + press the sky

16 Lunge steps

10 PVC Pass through

12 Banded Face pulls


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

15 min AMRAP

8 Dumbbell box step-overs, 20″ or lower

200m Row

12 Pull-ups

200m Row

Scale Pull-ups with bands, strict


Metcon (No Measure)

12 min “AMRAP”, quality first

20-30 Medball russian twists

15-25 Medball Sit-ups to wall touch, ball overhead at all times

10-20 Hollow Rocks

10 Good mornings, light and slow

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