Our 12 Days of Christmas WOD and White Elephant gift exchange will be on Dec 19th! Workout at 5:30pm, gift exchange, food and drink to follow. (Workout for all classes that day will be 12 Days of Christmas, you are welcome to attend the gift exchange only beginning at 6:30pm)
Donation boxes are out! Please bring any winter clothes, new toys, and/or journals to one of our 3 causes this season and bless those who would otherwise be without this Christmas season. Thank you!
CFPC – CrossFit
Down and Backs 2.0 (No Measure)
400m Run
1a) Lunge stretch
1b) 5 Inch Worms- 3 push-ups
2) Burpee broad jump (down & back)
3a) Spiderman lunge
3b) Pivot Squats
4a) High kick + Toe touch
4b) High skips
5a) Bear crawl
5b) Crab walk
8 sets of 2 Clean and 1 Jerk, perform 1 set every 2 minutes:
1st 2 sets @65%
3/4 @70%
5/6 @75%
7/8 @75%+
Record heaviest completed set
Clean and Jerk (2 Clean + 1 Jerk every 2 min for 16 min)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min AMRAP
5 Shoulder to overhead (165/105#)
10 Box jumps (24/20″)
15 Deadlift