CrossFit 11.8.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 Rounds:

6-12 Hand release Push-ups

15 Russian KB swings

200m Row

1 min Double under practice


Alternate between Weighted (or non-weighted) Push-ups and Ring Rows. Perform 5 reps per set, for 5 sets each. Rest 1-2 minutes between movements.

5 Rounds:

5 Weighted push ups, rest

5-7 *Challenging* Ring rows, rest (perform at least 5, but no more than 7 FULL RANGE ring rows. Can be completed with heels raised on a box for extra challenge, but shoulders must touch the rings at the top.

B: Ring Rows

A: Weighted Push-ups

Perform full range push-ups (chest down to floor and press out to elbow lockout with shoulders all the way down to ankles in a tight, straight plank) with additional weight i.e. bumper plates, loaded on the back


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

12 min AMRAP

50 Double unders

20 Sit-ups

10 Power Clean (135/95#)

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