CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 minute Row; 70% effort
5 Inch-worms, 3 push-ups
Spiderman Lunge down, High kicks back
Bear crawl down, Crab walk back
Banded shoulder stretches- Facing toward and away from rig
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
One dumbbell in each hand, perform strict shoulder press (score combined weight)
Bent Over Row (Dumbbell- 1 arm, then the other)
15 minutes to complete:
4 sets each;
8 Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Followed by
8 Dumbbell Bent over row, per arm
Perform bent over row with knee and palm on bench, torso parallel to the floor and arm extended downward. No jerking, smooth and controlled reps only.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min AMRAP
9 Dumbbell Hang squat cleans
3 Wall walks (50′ Bear walk)
50 Double unders/100 Singles