CrossFit 11.24.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

3 minute row:

Minute one- 60-70%

Minute two- 70-80%

Minute three- 80-100%


10 PVC Pass throughs

15 Light banded good mornings

10 Leg swings each direction/leg

5 Barbell Push press

5 Barbell Split jerk, pause in land

Run through complex as class w/ PVC

Assess and correct


Power Clean

Push Press

Split Jerk

1 set every minute for 10 min:

Power Clean+

Push Press+

Split Jerk

Focus is form and consistency.


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

7 min AMRAP

3 Toes to bar

3 Deadlift

6 T2B

6 Deadlift

9 T2B

9 Deadlift

12 T2B

12 Deadlift


Heaviest weight= 165/125#, scale down accordingly

Toe to bar scale= T2B attempts, or Kipping knee to chest. Main focus= LAT ACTIVATION.

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