CrossFit 11.17.16

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

1 min Row

:30-45 sec handstand hold, w/ or w/o wall

10 PVC Pass throughs

5 PVC Split Jerk, STICK IT

10 Close grip kipp swings

10 Bulgarian split squats, 5 per leg (place foot on bench behind you and squat knee to floor- do not let front knee pass over your toe)


10 Leg swings, each direction

and spend 6 min warming up split jerk weight


Pause Split Jerk (dip, hold 2 count, perform Jerk)

1 Rep every minute for 10 minutes. Weight is determined by ability to execute the rep properly- failed reps or staggering forward out of the jerk are No Bueno.

Split Jerk


Metcon (Time)

20 min CAP:

30 Ring Push-ups

20 Chest to bar

10 DB Snatch each arm (55/35#)

1000m Run

10 DB Snatch each arm (55/35#)

20 Chest to bar

30 Ring Push-ups

In order to be considered “Rx” Push-ups must be completed with feet on a 45# plate and shoulders must lower to touch the rings and the elbows must reach lockout at the top of each rep. Scaled individuals can raise the rings higher off the ground, or perform normal hand release push-ups.

Scaling C2B- regular pull-ups, Jumping C2B, or jumping pull-ups

DB snatch begins below the knees, between the legs, is executed with a jump+pull+punch to bring the DB overhead to lockout and stand.

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