CrossFit 11.14.17

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

Barbell Push press+ 2 Push jerk x 5

100′ Bear crawl

6 Cat/cows

6 Bird dogs/Side

:15 sec Hollow hold

8-12 Pull-ups or Ring rows


10 Leg swings/direction

In 6 min warm-up complex to starting weight


Complete 8 sets of:

1 Push press+

2 Push jerks

Perform a set every 2 min

1A: Push Press

1B: Push Jerk


Metcon (Time)

2 rounds:

1000m Run

30 Chest to bar

15 Shoulder to overhead (185/115#)

20 min CAP

Reduce run distance if 1000m cannot be completed in 6 min or less.

*Modify pullups to standard range of motion, light band, or jumping pull-ups

**S2O should be performed around 70% of your 1RM Push press, no heavier than 75%