CFPC – CrossFit
Clean and Jerk (No Measure)
3 rounds:
5 Press and back (PVC)
5 Close-grip kip swing
10 Cat/Cow with 3 sec hold
15 sec Superman Hold
15 sec Handstand, or,
reverse hand plank hold
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds)
8 min EMOM
a) :30 sec handstand hold
b) :30 sec Hang from bar
Handstand hold can be heels to wall, toes to wall, toes to band or freestanding.
Focus is solid midline and pressing through shoulders.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 min AMRAP
5 Clean and Jerk (moderate)
10 Pull-ups
15 Box jumps (easy height)
Scale pull-ups with bands, but must be controlled and full ROM.