CFPC – CrossFit
(No Measure)
10 Burpees
10 Wall therapy squats
15 Light American swings
15 Kipp swings, narrow grip
15 Slow Cat/Cows
20 Hollow rocks
100′ Waiters carry per arm
15 min Handstand Progression work
Level 1- Assisted handstand against wall, or, bands+weighted overhead hold
-1 set every :90 sec for 15 min, :20 sec hold
Level 2- Handstand on the wall, nose to wall
-1 set every :90 sec for 15 min, :20 sec hold
Level 3- Handstand against a band stretched across rack. Attempt to rely less and less on the band’s assistance.
-6 sets of max hold attempts. Rest 1:00+ between attempts.
Level 4- Free standing handstand hold
Begin with a spotter if necessary. Make 5 attempts at a max hold, then accumulate as much time in a handstand as possible in 3 minutes.
Handstand Hold (Record longest set and level completed in seconds)
Hold a handstand (Rx=freestanding)
for as long as possible
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 min AMRAP
8 Handstand Push-ups
16 Box jumps
32 Double unders (or attempts)
HSPU scale- box edge HSPU, or strict press. No more than 1 abmat on top of a 25# plate for scaling HSPU. Kipping is allowed.