CrossFit 10.26.17


Orders for new jackets and pull-overs will be placed next Monday (Oct. 30th). If you would like to place an order you have several options for color of either design and will have the opportunity to select a size as well to guarantee yourself that option. Please place orders through the link that was sent to your email, through the post on our Facebook page, or send Reid an email to have the link re-sent to you: [email protected]. Thanks!!!

CFPC – CrossFit


Seven Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

200m row

20 Jumping jacks

5 Pull-ups *or* 8 Ring rows

10 Push-ups

15 Squats
Prepare for Toes-to-bar with some core activation exercises:

8 Bird dogs with pause/hold per side

10 Hollow rocks

10 Supermans

10 Rolls from Hollow hold to Superman and back

15 Banded face pulls

20 Close grip kipp swings

Spend a few minutes warming up movements and preparing Push press load for metcon. (Aim for 1-2 sets to complete each round of 15 reps)


Metcon (Time)

Buy-in: 1000m Row

4 rounds:

15 Push press (115/75#)

45 Double unders

15 Toes to bar

Cash-out: 1000m Row