This Saturday we will be holding Community WOD in the Park! We will host everyone at Overton Park near Tanglewood neighborhoods. Yoga will run as scheduled, at 8am in the park and we will host a CrossFit Community Workout AND CrossFit Kids, both at 9:30am. Please meet in front of Tanglewood Elementary School at 9:15am and we will begin the warm-up promptly. All members and guests welcome, any members who bring a guest will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card. Bring cash if you’d like any Fitaid/Bottled Water/Rx bars. FYI- there are no restrooms available at the park.
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Discuss WOD (weightlifting and METCON)
Scaling- Use light weight (even empty bar, but no dropping it!), if range of motion is lacking squat to a med ball or modify to Front squats
Rope climbs can be scaled with Pull to stand (x5 each round) or Ring rows (x10 *challenging* each round)
Weightlifting can be adjusted to snatch grip jerk+squat
2 rounds:
10 Burpees
10 Cat/cows
10 Kipp swing shoulder openers
:30-45 sec handstand hold
10 Overhead squats with a band (spread it as you squat as needed)
Followed by;
Burgener skill transfer (barbell)
5 Overhead squats
5 Snatch grip push press
5 Heaving snatch balance
5 Snatch balance w/o dip
5 Snatch balance w/ dip (this is the weightlifting movement for today)
Snatch Balance (10 min EMOM, perform 1 rep)
Metcon (Weight)
Every 2 min for 12 min (6 sets) perform:
12 Overhead squats (115/75#)
2 Rope climbs
Rx= Complete all 6 rounds (full ROM on OH squats and rope climbs)
Score= weight completed