CrossFit 10.12.15

CFPC – CrossFit


Seven Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

200m row

20 Jumping jacks

5 Pull-ups *or* 8 Ring rows

10 Push-ups

15 Squats


Beginning Week 1 of 6: Testing

5 Rep max of each Shoulder Press, Back squat and Deadlift to be re-tested after the cycle is complete.


5 min Rack Mobility/ PVC Positioning

Press position

Remove obstacles (head)

Breathing for multiple reps

10 minutes:

–Complete 3 Warm-up sets, followed by 2-3 attempts at a 5RM

5 min Squat Mobility

12 minutes:

–Complete 3 Warm-up sets, followed by 2-3 attempts at a 5RM

5 min Deadlift PVC Positioning

10 minutes:

–Complete 3 Warm-up sets, followed by 2-3 attempts at a 5RM

Shoulder Press (Touch and go.)

Back Squat (Only one breath between reps. No extended pauses.)

Deadlift (Touch and go.)

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