CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Discuss METCON(s).
Scaling- Beginners practice safe technique on max weight sections, weight is not a priority.
General Warm-up
3 rounds:
1 min Row
15 Goblet squats
5 Russian babymakers
Spiderman lunge 1 min per leg
Pigeon 1 min per leg
Half lunge hamstring stretch, 2x 30 seconds per leg
1 min banded front rack mobility per arm
Discuss P.O.P.: Thruster- 1) Slow descent into squat, 2) maintain a vertical torso and drive out of the squat in the last 6″of motion, 3) violent hip opening and drive the arms overhead
Deadlift- 1) shoulders back/back flat, 2) bar set close to shins, 3) feet hip width, 4) drive knees/hips open as you raise the chest and open the hips to full extension
Specific warm-up
3 Rounds;
5 UB Thrusters at 60% estimated max
7 Burpees
5 TnG Deadlift with slow return to the floor each rep
Bar must be unloaded prior to starting the workout but weights can be ready nearby
No rest between workouts. At the 6 minute mark your time begins for the second METCON. Upon completion of your 30th KB swing your time stops for the second METCON and your 6 minute timer begins for the third METCON.
Metcon (Weight)
6 min to find 3RM Thruster taken from the floor
Metcon (Time)
800m Run
30 Burpees
30 Lunge steps
30 Kettlebell swings
Metcon (Weight)
6 min to find a 5RM Deadlift