CrossFit 10.1.15


MomFit and ROMWOD classes begin on (10/1) Check the schedule in Wodify for times. Ask a coach how to sign-up for a ROMWOD membership to help range of motion and recovery!

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

A) High knees 2x

B) Butt kicks 2x

A) Spiderman Lunge

B) Broad Jumps

Leg swings (10 each direction)

Accumulate 40 heavy Russian Swings

10 PVC Pass throughs+ toe touch


(No Measure)

10 min EMOM

Even minutes

Level 1: 7-10 Ring rows

Level 2: 5-8 Banded Pull-ups

Level 3: 2-4 Strict Pull-ups

Level 4: 6-8 Strict Pull-ups

Odd minutes

6-8 RDL’s AHAP with Perfectly flat back



Amanda (Time)

Snatch, 135#/95#
Scale Muscle-ups:

L3: x2 C2B + x1 Ring dips

L2: x2 Pull-ups + x1 stationary dips

L1: x2 Banded pull-ups + x1 ring push-ups

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