CrossFit 1.6.17


We are so thankful to announce we will be celebrating our 3rd Anniversary on Saturday, January 14 at 7:00pm graciously hosted at the home of Nicole and Mike. We would love for anyone who is able to join us in this celebration! Please RSVP to the email invitation for the event so we can be sure to supply enough food and drinks. If you are having trouble locating the email please contact us at: [email protected]

CFPC – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

3 min Row

Down and Back

1a) Lunge and twist

1b) Quad stretch (pull)

2a) High knees

2b) Butt kicks

3) Lateral squat walk

4a) 5 Inch worms, no push-ups

4b) Knee hug walk

5) Karaoke

6a) Burpee broad jump

6b) High skips


Leg swings, 10 each direction both legs

5 Russian baby-makers

3 Jefferson curls

10 Barbell RDL’s, slow and controlled


Warm-up and begin around 65-70% and build across the 9 sets. All 5 singles should be challenging but NOT at the expense of maintaining a strong lumbar curve (no rounded backs, lift with the legs)

Deadlift (5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1-1, Complete 1 set every 3 min)

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