CrossFit 1.25.16

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

400m Jog


3 Rounds:

:45 sec Double/Single unders

:15 sec Rest

:45 sec step-ups (20″)

:15 sec Rest

:45 sec Wallballs

:15 sec Rest


Back Squat:

7 sets of 3 @80% or higher

Rest 2 minutes between sets

Build to a Challenging set of 3

You have 20 minutes to complete all sets

Back Squat (7 sets of 3, build to a heavy set of 3)


Perform 5 min “AMRAP”

5 Jumping pull-ups

10 Air squats

15 Kettlebell swings

Alternate rounds with a partner

Rest 5 min and prepare for METCON

Metcon (Time)

4 Rounds:

200m Run

12 Thrusters

12 Sumo Deadlift High-pull

6 Burpee box jump overs

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