CrossFit 1.15.16

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

800m Jog


3 Rounds, or 10 min:

5 Pike Push-ups

5 Ring Rows

10 Barbell thrusters

10 Kettlebell swings

10 Kipp swings

15 Sit-ups

Prepare and practice movements for WOD


If you are not completing Rx’ed please consider using Dumbbells for thrusters

The Seven (Time)

7 Rounds of:

7 Handstand Push-ups

7 Thrusters, 135#

7 Knees-To-Elbows

7 Deadlifts, 245#

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell Swings, 70#

7 Pull-ups
A suicide bomber killed seven CIA officersand one Jordanian officer at a remote base in southeastern Afghanistan on December 30, 2009
To learn more about The Seven click here
Women’s “Rx”:

95# Thrusters

165# Deadlift

53# KB swings

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