
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 3 Rounds, or 15 min (whichever comes first): 8 PVC Pass through+toe touches 8 Barbell Good mornings 20 Jumping jacks 10 Bird dogs, 5 per side (on all fours, extend one leg and one arm of opposite sides of the body and hold for 2 counts) :30-45 sec...
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Everything Warm-up (No Measure) 3 rounds of 10 reps of: Russian baby-makers (5 per round) Overhead Squat with PVC Sit-ups or GHD Sit-ups Back-extensions or Supermans Pull-ups or Ring rows Hand Release Push-ups Weightlifting Bench Press (12 min to find a heavy set of 3) Metcon Angie (Time) For Time: 100...
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Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...
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Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...
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Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...
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Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...
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Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...
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Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...
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Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Rounds: 1 min Row :30-45 sec handstand hold, w/ or w/o wall 10 PVC Pass throughs 5 PVC Split Jerk, STICK IT 10 Close grip kipp swings 10 Bulgarian split squats, 5 per leg (place foot on bench behind you and squat knee to floor- do not...
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