Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...Read More
METCON “Fight Gone Bad” 3 Rounds, for total reps: 1 min Wallballs 1 min SDHP (75/55#) 1 min Box jumps (20″) 1 min Push press (75/55#) 1 min Calorie Row 1 min RestRead More
Announcements RxGymnastics is coming to CFPC once again! Sign-up now for this exclusive event on December 10th from 9am-3pm (1hr lunch break). Advanced gymnastics coaches will lead you through drills and instruction on the many movements involved in CrossFit workouts and competition- get that first muscle-up, toe to bar, handstand push-up or pull-up just in...Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 2 Rounds: 1 min Row :30-45 sec handstand hold, w/ or w/o wall 10 PVC Pass throughs 5 PVC Split Jerk, STICK IT 10 Close grip kipp swings 10 Bulgarian split squats, 5 per leg (place foot on bench behind you and squat knee to floor- do not...Read More
WEIGHTLIFTING 4 sets of 8 Back squats @60-65% METCON For time: 100 Wallballs 40 Double under/80 singles penalty on each break Break=pause in the squat, drop, leaning against the wall or letting the ball drop below your waist. “No reps” are not breaks, but DO NOT count toward your total.Read More
METCON For time: Complete the following in any order, partition as desired: 5k Row 10k Assault bike Rotate back and forth as often as you like until you complete both the row and the bike distances.Read More
CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Metcon (No Measure) 3 Rounds: 8 Burpees 20 Jumping jacks 100′ Waiters walk/arm 10 1-arm dumbbell overhead squats per arm 10 Close grip kipp swing With barbell: 5 Elbows high and outside 5 Snatch grip push press 5 High hang power snatch 5 Hang power snatch Metcon Complete each “Death by”...Read More