CrossFit 8.29.17

CFPC – CrossFit


Seven Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

200m row

20 Jumping jacks

5 Pull-ups *or* 8 Ring rows

10 Push-ups

15 Squats


5 Rounds:

5-8 Strict/Weighted Ring dips or an equivalent modification

Rest 1 min

5-8 Strict/Weighted Pull-ups or an equivalent modification

Rest 2 min

Perform Strict pull-ups/Dips if you are within the 3-8 Rep range each round. If you are above 8 reps strict then add weight to either/both movements. If you are currently below 3 reps/set then perform a scaling option (i.e. toes/heels on box for strict pull-ups, negatives, or stationary bar dips or push-ups)

A1: Ring Dips

A2: Weighted Ring dips

Ring dips with additional weight

B1: Strict Pull-ups

Max set pull-ups without a kip.

B2: Weighted Pull-ups


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

10 min AMRAP

10 Deadlift (255/165#)

15 Box jumps (24/20″)

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