IMPORTANT: If you want to participate in the CrossFit Open under CrossFit Panther City (i.e. want the ability to input scores!) please log on to your profile and choose to join Team CrossFit Panther City for the 2017 Open.
If you have not yet registered, there is still time! Sign-up at: today!
Open T-shirts will be ordered Tuesday, Feb. 14th. This is your last chance to save 10% and reserve your size!
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Foam roll prior to class:
– Quads
-IT bands
– Thoracic
a) Row 3 min, moderate intensity
b) Couch stretch, :90 sec/side
c) Spiderman lunge and hold, :90 sec/side
2 Rounds:
10 PVC Pass throughs
10 PVC Push press
10 PVC Front squat
10 Close grip kipp swings
:30-45 sec handstand hold
Push Press (4 sets of 6-8 reps w/ 70-75% 1RM, rest 3 min)
If you can achieve 8 reps, add weight. Repeat each set, completing at least 6 and up to 8 reps per set.
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds:
6 Squat clean (185/115#)
4 Push Jerk
200m Run
15 min CAP
Scale weight- no heavier than 70% of push jerk or squat/power clean max