IMPORTANT: If you want to participate in the CrossFit Open under CrossFit Panther City (i.e. want the ability to input scores!) please log on to your profile and choose to join Team CrossFit Panther City for the 2017 Open.
If you have not yet registered, there is still time! Sign-up at: today!
Open T-shirts will be ordered Tuesday, Feb. 14th. This is your last chance to save 10% and reserve your size!
CFPC – CrossFit
Everything Warm-up (No Measure)
3 rounds of 10 reps of:
Russian baby-makers (5 per round)
Overhead Squat with PVC
Sit-ups or GHD Sit-ups
Back-extensions or Supermans
Pull-ups or Ring rows
Hand Release Push-ups
CrossFit Games Open 14.4 (AMRAP – Reps)
14-Minute AMRAP:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-To-Bars
40 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
30 Cleans, 135# / 95#
20 Muscle-ups
*Power cleans
**Ring Muscle-ups
– can be modified with jumping or banded bar muscle ups or 20 C2B pull-ups + 20 Hand release push-ups