CrossFit 10.5.15


MomFit and ROMWOD classes begin on (10/1) Check the schedule in Wodify for times.
Barbells for Boobs fundraiser this weekend @ CrossFit Impressions! Come support or sign-up and complete “Grace” with us! (scaled or Rx heats available)

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

500m Row

12-20 Push-ups (adjust angle)

10 Pull-ups or ring rows

10 Band Pass throughs (red or blue)

3 Wall walks


w/ empty barbell

2 sets:

5 Shoulder press

5 Push Press

5 Push Jerk

Assess and correct


Begin with light or moderate weight and progress. Once you have begun getting close to 3RM weight take :90 sec or more between attempts.

Push Jerk (Spend 10 min to find a 3RM)


Metcon (Time)


Shoulder to Overhead @50% 1RM

Burpees over the bar

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