CrossFit 7.27.15

CFPC – CrossFit


Seven Warm-up (No Measure)

2 rounds:

200m row

20 Jumping jacks

5 Pull-ups *or* 8 Ring rows

10 Push-ups

15 Squats


(No Measure)

15 min to complete work at your skill level:

Level 1- “Unable to perform 1 unassisted Pull-up”

Complete: 3×8-12 Banded Pull-ups, reduce assistance if 12 reps completed

Accumulate 25 Ring rows

Accumulate 25 banded Face pulls

Level 2- “1 Strict Pull-up on command”

5 min EMOM- max set strict Pull-ups

30 Hollow rocks

Level 3- “5 strict Pull-ups on command”

6 min EMOM- 3 Strict Pull-ups

30 Hollow rocks

Level 4- “8 Strict Pull-ups/15-20 Kipping”

4 min EMOM- 20 sec unbroken kipping pull-ups

30 Hollow rocks

Strict Pull-ups

Max set pull-ups without a kip.
Record largest set required today.

If not required, do not score.


Metcon (Time)

Inspired by 2015 CF Games Event “Midline Madness”:

6 Rounds:

400m Run

50m Farmers Carry (70# kbs/53# kbs)

*50m= Courtyard down and back

**If no more KBs are available you can substitute a plate-pinch carry. (35’s/25’s)

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