CrossFit 7.14.16


CrossFit Games is in 11 days! Look for a watch party announcement. We will be beginning a 6-weeks Gymnastics cycle the following week, MWF of our regular CrossFit classes working to develop pull-ups and dips, progressing to muscle-ups for the advanced athletes!

Please check your inbox for an Evite to our Social at Rodeo Goat on the 29th at 7pm, we hope to see you there!

CFPC – CrossFit


Down and Backs (No Measure)

200m Run or 250m Row


1) High knees

2) Butt kickers

3a) Lunge stretch- 3 sec hold

3b) 5 Inch worms- 3 pushups

4a) High kick march

4b) Spiderman- lunge and hold

5) Side shuffle (stay low)

6) Karaoke
2 Rounds:

10 Kipp swings

30 Double unders/60 singles


PVC front rack stretch


Metcon (Time)

2 Rounds:

100 Double unders/200 singles

50 KB Swings

40 DB Step-ups

30 Toes to bar

800m Run

T2B Scale- Kipping knee ups or Holding rig toes to beam

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