Our 6-week Weightlifting course will begin on Tuesday, April 19th. Please discuss with a coach class times and membership options during that time if you’re interested! Sign-up now! $120 for all 6 weeks.
CFPC – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 min Row, 70-80% effort
3 rounds:
5 Russian baby
5 Barbell Good mornings
5 Barbell overhead squats
5 Barbell Front squats
2 min Spiderman per leg
2 min Couch stretch per leg
Lateral squat walk down and back
Practice bailing each lift type
Aim to increase in weight every set. Beginners compete 3 sets of 3 rather than 5 sets of 1 to focus strictly on technique with heavier loads.
Perform 1 set every 2 minutes throughout the 15 set sequence.