CrossFit 11.3.15


The CrossFit Liftoff event is this Friday @7:15PM! Sign-up at to compete against yourself and friends or come watch and support!

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

200m Jog

250m Row

Empty barbell:

5 Shoulder Press

5 Power jerks w/ pause in catch

5 Split jerks w/ pause in catch


Partner up!

Junkyard dog, 1 round each

(10 reps on each half)


Split Jerk

2 reps EMOM for 8 min

Perform sets @75% or higher

Pause in receiving position and assess landing.


Metcon (Time)

400m Run

21 Push Jerks (40% 1RM)

21 Toes to bar

400m Run

15 Push jerks

15 Toes to bar

400m Run

9 Push jerks

9 Toes to bar

Toes to bar scale-

V-ups w/ PVC pipe, bring plate to toes, or, rig feet raises to upright

Focus is LAT ACTIVATION and hip closing

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