CrossFit 9.15.15

CFPC – CrossFit


(No Measure)

3 Rounds:

20 High knees

Spiderman Lunge hold (30 sec/side)

15 Heavy Russian swings

5 Leg swings each direction per leg

5 Slow PVC Front squats


Level 1- Perform 3 sets of Push-ups, max reps in :30 sec, :90 sec rest

Level 2- Perform 3 sets of Ring Push-ups (3″ above floor), max reps in :30 sec, :90 sec rest

Level 3- Perform 3 sets of 8-12 Dips + a max hold in support. Rest :90 sec between sets.

L1: Push-ups (Record largest set)

Lower chest to the floor then extend arms completely to elbows locked out.

L3: Ring Dips (Record largest set.)


Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds:

9 Toes to bar

12 Front squats (155/105#)

15 Calorie Row

17 min CAP

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