
April 27, 2015
METCON “Ghost” 6 rounds of: 1 minute of rowing 1 minute of burpees 1 minute of double-unders 1 minute rest *Try for as many reps as possible of EACH exercise, not just total score. Post separate totals of calories rowed, burpee reps and double-under reps completed to comments.
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CFPC – CrossFit Warm-up Lift/Squat/Jump (No Measure) A) High knees 2x B) Butt kicks 2x A) Spiderman Lunge B) Broad Jumps Leg swings (10 each direction) Accumulate 40 heavy Russian Swings 20 Sit-ups Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 10 min AMRAP 12 Burpees 9 Deadlift (155/105#) 6 Hang Power clean Metcon (No Measure)...
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